Sunday, October 12, 2008

Photos from Seattle

I went on a bike ride today around Lake Union. The lake is about 200 yards from our apartment and is surrounded by houseboats, yacht moorings, and industrial/commercial facilities. There is a ton of activity on the lake all the time including sailboats, kayaks, yachats (power and sailing), float plane taxis, fishing boats, barges, and other vessels. It's amazing that people don't more collisions! Here are some photos from that ride. The photos are taken with my iPhone so the quality isn't great but it provides the scene.

First a quick map to provide some orientation:
Click for Map

First set is taken from Lakeview Avenue on the south east side of the lake.

Looking north north west.

Looking west north west. Queen Anne hill in the background

Looking West. Queen Anne Hill in background.

Looking west south west.

Looking south west. Space Needle and Seattle Center in Background.

Looking South. Downtown in background.

And the second set is take from Gas Works Park on the north side of the lake.

This first shot is an attempt to find out apartment. Probably hidden behind a tree from this angle, but we would be somewhere in that shot.

Looking west. Queen Anne hill in background.

Looking south west. Queen Anne hill and Seattle Fire Department fire boat.

Looking South. Fireboat, Space Needle and Downtown.

Looking Southeast. Downtown and the edge of Capitol Hill.

Looking East Southeast. Capitol Hill.

Looking East. Capitol Hill and East Lake.

Looking East NorthEast. East Lake (the shot of our apartment is pointing a little further to the north than this shot.)